Hello there. I thought that i’m going to post just a regular blog post this time writing on everything going on.

New And Old Habits
I don’t know about you guys but i’ve had to get used to my regular everyday student life after the summer. I was working at a job the whole summer, when i was living at a different city, had different schedule and habits than now in fall or winter. It is always a little weird going back to school from everyday 9 to 5 job (Or in my case 8 to 4).
I have now more time to do new things like this blog, more exercising, reading books and practicing the guitar. These have been quite good for me especially if i have had more free time. In my case if i don’t have anything to do i just play games, scroll social media or do nothing and it becomes a little depressing. So i have to occupy my mind all the time doing various things with my time.
I recommend this for you too, if you’re doing same things everyday over and over again it may become boring. So if you are thinking about starting a new hobby whether it is playing an instrument, going to the gym, starting kickboxing, going on hikes or whatever it is, DO IT. You can even at least try something and if it’s not your thing, then just move forward to try other things.
These are good experiences and you can say at the end of the day that you have tried this or this and you have gone to fishing or something. It is good to experience new things. Small or big, expensive or cheap, boring or exiting. Just think to yourself: what i have always wanted to do or what is interesting to me? We learn everyday something new and you can’t be expert at the beginning but so what.
When i started doing this not too long ago, i was very unsure of this whole idea and website. I didn’t know what exactly i was going to post and do with this but i wanted to try. So here i am.
Start somewhere with your hobbies, projects, side hustles or whatever it is. Big or small. Investment or without investment. Self-improvement combined with these new things are awesome for your mental health, mindset and energy. I can talk about self-improvement another time.
Try to think what would you want to try next and just start.
I hope you’ll have a great rest of the day. Thanks for reading!