“Start fresh”

Hello there, welcome to my blog page! My name is Thomas Hawk and my purpose with this blog is to write stories and other content about my life, experiences and reviews, but mostly stories whether it is fictional made up story or experiences from my life.
Let me tell you little about myself first.
I am a younger student from Europe in my early twenties, that seeks more to life than just studying or work. That’s why i am writing this. You’re probably thinking that Thomas Hawk can’t be my real name… well you’re right, it isn’t. At this point i am using an “artist” name. Reason for this is simply because i don’t want to be recognized (yet). And you can probably also tell that english isn’t my first language, so bear with me.
The inspiration for this blog came from… i guess my imagination. My imagination has always been quite wild growing up playing or creating things. I’m quite good at telling stories especially for my little brother so that’s a start. I am very happy if i can create content, that distracts you for a couple minutes from your daily life.
I am planning on also creating blog posts other than my stories, but you’ll have to wait a while before i get things going. So i appreciate your patience. I’m sure that you can tell that i have only just begun working on my blog content and i’m not very skilled at it. But you’ve gotta start somewhere right?
I will be posting more content, hopefully this week so stay tuned.
Thank you and have a great week!
Sincerely Thomas Hawk
I was able to find good advice from your articles.