The Grey Mist: Assault On The Isles
This is the second part to the Grey Mist story. Hope you enjoy!

Fire raged at the archipelago as the bombs dropped on civilians, soldiers and buildings. The attack had begun. The military of Island Ruti was seen engaging from all directions.
Three assault boats stormed the governmental island where the emergency meeting was held. Attacking special forces rushed to the beaches in darkness moving stealthy and professionally.
Meanwhile, in the government building colonel Reeves realizes the situation and tries to warn others to leave before it’s too late. “Excuse me ladies and gentlemen!” screams Reeves interrupting the ministers and officials. “We need to leave this building before the enemy comes or we get blown up!”. The prime minister listens to Reeves and comes to agreement after thinking for a while. The guards and military police come to escort the people out while loud gunfire sounds outside.
The special forces had breached the building and were in a firefight with the guarding soldiers outside. The guards rush the ministers towards an emergency exit having very little time. A big explosion rips the building main doors open as the special forces come inside after defeating the soldiers outside with ease. The guards and ministers hear this and start rushing towards the stairs that lead to a secret exit. They get to the exit and start running towards a boat that is near the building. One guard decides to stay and hold the special forces and wishes good luck to others.
Out of nowhere the groups escape plan is being interrupted by intense gunfire from the sides, killing and wounding most of the ministers and military personnel. Colonel Reeves gets wounded to the leg as the gunfire continues. The special forces had split up before the assault and now were surrounding the group.
The guards and military police try to return fire but without any success. Reeves manages to crawl out of site to the little forest near the water. The special forces get to the group and capture the important people and killing the others.
Reeves crawls to the shore and swims under the pier. Two special forces soldiers sweep the forest and the pier looking for any survivors. One soldier searches the pier carefully and suddenly notices Reeves’s jacket in the water. The soldier points his assault rifle where Reeves was hiding. Reeves quickly dives under the water and starts to swim away.
The soldier notices Reeves and fires at his direction. Reeves barely avoids the bullets coming into the water and swims away from the pier. The soldier continues to shoot at the water but gets ordered to back away by the officer. Colonel Reeves is barely alive at this point, exhausted and wounded he somehow gets to shore of a small islet.
Reeves passes out unconscious from his wounds and hypothermia when two boats approach his location. Two soldiers jump to water and grab Reeves to the boat. The boat speeds off after getting Reeves in. The boats drive away from the islet, when a big cannon shell barely misses and explodes right beside the boats in the water.
A large convoy of battleships, submarines and patrol boats appears from behind the governmental island. The two boats decide to split up and go different directions. The boat that Reeves is in gets intercepted by two enemy patrol boats. The boat decides to surrender itself having no chance against the enemy. The other boat disappears to the distance.
After a while colonel Reeves wakes up in a complete different place that he earlier was on. In a small room that looks like a ships cabin, Reeves gets up and looks around in confusion. Reeves’s wounds have been patched and his condition is much better. A group of soldiers barge in the room wearing all black combat gear and weapons. The defense minister that was in the meeting with Reeves on the governmental island walks in to the room in military clothing.
Reeves looks in confusion at the defense minister that is wearing an unknown military uniform.
The minister smiles and says “Hello there, Colonel Reeves”.