The Grey Mist. Introduction.
A short story series that is more combat and action based. This is the first part. Hope you enjoy!

Throughout the old times there has been an impending feeling about the future almost like a threat. People of the archipelago have felt it more and more last months. Peace of the people is at danger, though they don’t know it yet. The leaders are more anxious than ever about the intentions of the Ruti Island, making plans for the worst. Is the long-lasting peace going to end after 120 years after the war?
The morning was cold and a thick fog covered the whole island as a corporal jogs fast to the office building. The corporal opens the door and quickly walks upstairs to the office of colonel.
The corporal knocks -“Yes, come in!” screams the colonel. Corporal walks in and informs his business -“Colonel Reeves, I have an urgent letter from the minister of defense”. Colonel takes the letter and reads part of it before Corporal interrupts -“Sir i have an assault boat ready waiting at the pier”.
The letter contained the urgent invitation to emergency meeting at the island parliament. Colonel Reeves knew something was off about the situation when an unknown soldier delivers a message almost at night, instead of a call or an email. The colonel stares at the letter and corporal for a second, -“Alright then, lets get moving”.
Both men walk toward the pier with a fast pace. Colonel Reeves asks the soldier about his name, -“Corporal Stones sir” he answers. Colonel asks -“When did you get the order corporal Stones?”.
-“About a half hour ago sir, we came in ten minutes with the boat” answers corporal.
Colonel Reeves nods his head as an answer.
-“Sir do you know what’s going on?” asks corporal Stones.
-“I wish i knew, but it doesn’t look particularly good” answers colonel Reeves.
Colonel Reeves and corporal Stones arrive to the docks where an assault boat waits with six well-equipped and armed soldiers. The boat storms off the pier as soon as both men get in. As the boat drives towards the island, colonel Reeves tries to spot other islands on the quiet archipelago. But the surface of the water is covered in thick fog making it impossible to see further than a couple of meters of the boat.
A group of soldiers and officers wait at the harbor as the colonel’s boat arrives to shore. Soon after disembarking the boat, colonel Reeves heads towards an armored car with the officers and drive off. Everyone in the car is dead silent as the car stops at the gate of parliament building. The convoy of two armored cars soon park in front of the giant building.
Colonel Reeves walks quickly inside with the company of soldiers and officers. Two sergeants at the door stop the colonel and guide him to the right direction. As the colonel walks the hallways many politicians and military officers wait outside the meeting hall discussing to each other. As the colonel greets his colleagues, the prime minister and the minister of defense arrive. The group of important officers and parliament members enter the hall and sit down.
-“Right, let us start” announces the prime minister.
Minister of defense begins the meeting -“All of you must wonder what is going on and what does the emergency meeting concern…well take a look”
As the whole room is filled with confusion, minister of defense shows pictures of an unknown submarine group positioned right outside the capital islands. Minister continues by showing reports of unknown fighter jets in friendly airspace.
As the prime minister tries to explain the situation, she is interrupted by loud sound of explosions coming from next island.
Everyone in the room stopped in silence and watched as the lights in the ceiling flickered.
Has the peace been broken?