This is the last part of the Grey Mist series. Hope you enjoy it!
The sun rose in the dawn of the capital while the temperature had sunk to freezing temperatures.
The situation looked bad for Reeves as his squad had been attacked and possibly destroyed by the RED5 special forces.
Reeves had to decide what to do. He had orders from Kirilov to capture the general, but Kirilov was possibly dead and there was no one to supervise Reeves.
Would the former colleagues convince Reeves to stop working for Ruti army and did the mission and the whole war have any meaning anymore.
Reeves thought a while and reconsidered the mission at the abandoned apartment building. He looked outside and watched as the snow fell on to the ground from the sky. Reeves had no intention to kill his former brothers in arms for nothing, with no supervision from Ruti army or archipelago army Reeves could just leave from the war.
It was a tough decision to make but Reeves had enough of war, battles, blood and constantly being scared of a bomb landing next to him. So then, Reeves decided to abandon his mission with Ruti army and former job with archipelago army and head to more peaceful lands where Reeves could pursue his other passions.

Reeves left all the equipment that wasn’t useful and took only the things that were essential to survive on his journey. He strapped up the backpack and rifle and wore protective and warm clothing. The ground was white from all the snow and the streets were more quiet than ever. No sound of gunfire, vehicles, or soldiers just the distant cannon fire.
Reeves now had to avoid both armies to make sure that he gets away safely and with no sight of him to others. But the journey was more challenging as the Ruti forces closed on the government area and archipelago forces had setup defense positions to all the streets and blocks. Reeves fortunately knew the city like his own pockets and knew all the more secret and few routes to avoid any person.
The temperature had sunk to -15 Celsius but the snow made moving more quiet and pleasing. Reeves hadn’t seen anyone as he had covered many kilometers on the streets, which was strange considering that the city has been a battleground over a week now. The main streets were full of destroyed cars and army equipment. Reeves reached a point where he saw the coast and rest of the city. There was a couple battleships at the sea but no fires in the city, no soldiers, no explosions, no gunfire.
It was like the both sides were sleeping at the same time. Silence seized the whole city as just a small wind made sound. Reeves had a bad feeling about how the city had stopped, like all soldiers turned to ghosts. Reeves continued to walk towards the outskirts of the city to find an way to escape. Streets were empty as Reeves stopped to have a break at the side of the road. The urge to sleep was big, so Reeves put his head down for 10 minutes. He dreamed of his childhood house and his family.
The weather was sunny and warm, there wasn’t a single worry in the world as Reeves finally relaxed. He sat down in his favorite chair at his yard and fell asleep again. Sudden sound of footsteps interrupted the nap. Reeves slowly opened his eyes and rose to check where the footsteps were coming from.
He carefully peaked his head and rifle to look to the street. Reeves realized his situation as he noticed 10 soldiers standing at the street watching him.
The soldiers looked professional with all navy blue colored uniforms and equipment, the best guns with high tech and all standing with a intimidating physique. Reeves thought to himself that this had to be the RED5 group.
Reeves slowly put his rifle down and kept his hands visible. The soldiers didn’t budge and continued to stare at Reeves. One soldier starts walking past Reeves while others follow behind one by one. The last RED5 member stops besides Reeves and stares him down. -“Get out of here colonel…” says the member to Reeves and walks away. Reeves picks up his rifle and looks behind while the RED5 group disappears to the distance.
Reeves looks around to spot any other soldiers but the streets were silent again. So Reeves decides to continue to walk towards the beach and dock. While walking he hears helicopters flying close and seeks shelter beside the street. Four Ruti air force helicopters fly fast and low past Reeves towards the archipelago government buildings.
The threat is gone so Reeves continues his walk fast. Minutes later explosions and gunfire interrupt the city’s silence. The RED5 archipelago forces and Ruti special forces are likely to be engaged in a firefight with each other.

As Reeves picks up his pace, more gunfire, cannon fire, explosions and fighter jets fill the air. The final push from Ruti army has likely begun. Reeves decides to move into smaller streets avoiding possible Ruti forces.
Moments later tank columns roll on to the streets and head to battle. Later Reeves arrives to the shore and sees the harbor and knows he’s close to escaping. Checking for enemies Reeves looks around and sprints to the harbor where a lot of civilian boats are docked. He looks for the best boat and finds one smaller good condition motorboat. Reeves hops in and begins to check the motor and the boat. He gets the engine running and at the same time prepares the boat for departure.
Night time has fallen so the air is more cold and the water almost frozen, so Reeves hurries to get the boat going.
But at the shore two Ruti patrol men notice the boat and start running towards Reeves. Yelling at the same time -“Stop! Get out of the boat before i shoot!” the soldiers close up on the boat.
The two soldiers check the outside and move into the boat. Reeves surprises the first soldier and pushes a knife into the ribs. The other soldier fires at Reeves but hits his fallen comrade. Reeves takes his knife and throws it at the soldiers throat. Soldier collapses gasping for air and at the same time choking on his blood. Reeves doesn’t notice the soldier grabbing the knife and stabbing Reeves to the foot.
Reeves falls down screaming and kicks the soldier unconscious in the face. Reeves doesn’t have much time so he patches up his wound and throws the bodies to the water. The boat starts to move as Reeves departs and heads to the ocean. For his advantage the sea and night is dark and makes it possible for Reeves to head out unseen.
He looks behind towards the city which is by now more of a smoking ruin than a capital. Reeves takes out a map on a table and plans his next moves.
Colonel Reeves has escaped the war for now and moves to more peaceful lands. But can he keep the war away from himself in the future. Does the grey mist follow Reeves.
Written by Thomas Hawk